Thursday, August 22, 2013

RNY, Obesity Help Conference & Other Travels

<a href="" target="_blank"><img alt="Join me at #OH2013" src="" width="200" height="200" /></a>

I made all the arrangements for travel and hotel to attend the Obesity Help Conference in Anaheim. It will be my first trip to CA other than the layover for my flight back from the Mother of All Meet & Greets in May '12. This time I hope to get to some famous places right by the hotel. I have never been to any Disney theme park. Let's see what I do there.

I have not been on a roller coaster in years and my last trip to a theme park was when my grandchildren were young. I hope some of the people will be up for a day at Disney. It is adventure that I would love to share.

I have but a few minutes before I get going to my bible study class today. We met weekly during the school year and have met once in July and this day in August. I was glad to hear that we are meeting today as I have missed my friends. I spent two Sundays in the nursery at church, this past weekend away in Phoenix, and I am ready to see my friends.

I love to travel and I love to be home. My church family makes up for my family being spread all over the country. I will be able to see my sister in law next year two different times as I will be going to Tampa in April and Orlando in September. I am glad that it is late September as I plan on going to England in early September.

I keep to my schedule of eating with the RNY protocol of protein first everywhere I go. I bring along individual packages of protein powder to add to my protein intake for the day. I usually start with my protein before breakfast. I make it and drink some while taking my vitamins. It is very important to keep up your vitamin regime as an RNY post op. My first task when packing is to ready my vitamins in SMTWTFS compartments. I make sure that I take extra just in case there are delays in travel.

I do hope to see you in Anaheim in October. Please get in touch with to attend if you have not already done so.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Weight Loss First Year of RNY Surgery (Read Up)

16 Mar 09 147.1 lb Down Reasonably Well
16 Feb 09 150.7 lb Down Reasonably Well
31 Jan 09 153.6 lb Down Reasonably Well
03 Jan 09 158.0 lb Steady Reasonably Well
18 Dec 08 158.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
11 Nov 08 165.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
28 Oct 08 166.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
02 Sep 08 168.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
05 Aug 08 177.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
07 Jul 08 183.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
23 Jun 08 186.0 lb Down 100%
03 Jun 08 192.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
16 May 08 194.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
02 May 08 202.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
18 Apr 08 203.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
02 Apr 08 216.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
05 Mar 08 225.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
06 Feb 08 239.0 lb Down Reasonably Well
23 Jan 08 245.5 lb Down Reasonably Well

18 Jan 08 248.0 lb Down

I came to this website after I had surgery. I was home for several weeks and searching the Internet on my new laptop computer. I was thrilled to find a way to keep a chart that would help me see how I lost. Now, I am excited to be able to show newer post ops how I lost weight in small increments. Thus not to worry when they stall and reach a plateau. I weighed far in excess of this original posting back in February 2007. I went on my own self determined weight loss for the umpteenth time. I did have help from a dietician during some of the months in the summer of 2007. I would bounce what I was doing off her with the hopes of a new direction should I need it.

I lost 81 pounds prior to surgery and was probably a fit and start loser during 2007. I did lose 12 pounds while away in Dominica with all the steady walking over the hills in the high humidity. Yet, I came back to work with the same restrictions and lack of thought by my supervisors to properly use me at work. It had been 7 years since my on the job accident. There were days when all they would have me do was office work. Granted that I spent a lot of time walking around the workroom floor but it was not fully utilising me. It was in those months that I learned about RNY surgery from my friend Pat. He was to have the surgery in July. In August 2007, I went with him to an informational seminar at the hospital.

At that time, I had lost 50 pounds. I was on my way to losing more but knew that one time I had lost 55 pounds on a weight loss program and gained all that back and more. We are cautioned not to think about the numbers on a scale. I was enjoying the new energy associated with losing weight as well as the control I felt each and every meal. I was eating sufficiently for my health needs.

I was continuing my traveling with a week long family trip to DC that summer. All the walking and needing to find a bench often to sit on made me realize that I needed to address the problem with my knees. I did find an orthopedic surgeon who specialized in knees. I was able to get cortisone shots in my left knee. What a difference. I was walking longer and at a faster pace.

I was told that I could return in three months and did for more relief. To my amazement, he reintroduced himself as he did not recognize me at a smaller weight. This happened another two times and he must have made a notation in the charts because now he knows me.

I am sure you have similar incidents to report where people do not recognize you at a smaller weight. I have many even from people who worked with me for 25 years and saw me from a distance or from behind! You will have many instances where you will think am I losing fast enough? is this surgery working? am I stopped right now? amd I done?
I hope my chart shows you that you can lose and will lose at a varing pace. This is only the first year. I had surgery in 2008, I have had peaks and valleys in my maintenance. I arrived back from a trip to Europe lower than I had left. It was a great trip with many of long days walking from the days at The Louvre, The Vatican, Pompeii and a concentration camp in Germany.

Your life changes and your activity level will vary. I am retired and home most days. It means that I have to work harder to maintain my weight.

I would love to hear your story. I would love to hear if I have helped you with this chart.

#RNY #Gastric #bypass #surgery #weightloss #community

Friday, August 16, 2013

Advocacy Training at OAC Convention

I am fired up and ready to go to Washington to advocate for the Treatment and Reduce Obesity Act. 

It was my second day of advocacy training as I went last year. I felt like a fish out of water last year. I learned a lot from the people selected to be on my advocacy team in the mock visits to the legislators. It is right and a good thing to share our story. 

The training gets you to focus on why you are there and to ask for support of the bill. There will be points brought up that may lead the conversation away from asking the question we learned. The legislator's aid will not want to say no. Steering the conversation back and telling why you personally are an advocate for this bill with a concise telling of your story is what you can do.

How did obesity effect your life? How would early intervention therapy have helped you? This bill is aimed at changing the benefits for Medicare recipients. Please go on line to see this bill and write your representative and senators to advocate for their sponsoring of this bill. Email the Obesity Action Coalition and find out how you can get more involved. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

In the Air and I am Awake

Today, I flew from Logan at six am. It was a sleepless night. I am not going to sleep on this plane, I am sure. Have you ever just known that you wouldn't sleep? I am an insomniac and have less sleep per week then I should have.  I get four and a half hours steady at the most at night or in the early morning. 

Since I am retired and do not have a set place to go, I can sleep in mornings.   Oh, I get up and get busy most of the time but this past week has been harder than usual. I could say that I was on Phoenix time. All week, i was awake until three or four in the morning. I was up all night for no reason too many days. Why? I have no stress or anxiety there is nothing that comes to mind as a reason why I am up. 

I do go to bed many a time and just lat there unable to sleep. I get comfortable let my mind settle yet sleep doesn't come. I could be there hours. I know get up you might say but I want and need rest. So, I try.

How do you get your rest? Do you hit the bed and fall right to sleep? 

I am up in the air and up most nights! I see many who are awake who have had weight loss surgery as I have had. I had sleep problems before I had surgery. So, I am wondering if you did also or did it come on after surgery?

I am up in the air where thinking is limited due to less oxygen and my system is dehydrated. I know that my nose was going to need help so I put saline solution in my nostrils this morning. Look it up! You now know that I am up in the air. I am awake. I am above the clouds heading to Chicago. 

#insomnia #weightlosssurgery #rny

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Through the Ages

I enjoy traveling. It is easier now on many different levels. First of all, I no longer require a seat belt extender. I no longer have cruel people directly trying to hurt me because of my size. 

On one of the trips pictured below, I had a man's elbow stuck in my arm the majority of the trip because he felt it was necessary to cross his arms because an obese woman was next to him. In reality, he could have changed seats with his wife who was on the window of this three across seating. 

How have you been treated as an obese person? Did anyone make fun of you with snide remarks? Did anyone do something offensive to you?

Another incident happened when sitting down in an extra room seat on a plane. I needed the space because my left knee has no cartilage and the journey was far too long to have my knee cramped. 
I sat down and for some reason, perhaps swallowed wrong, I started coughing. Did that ever happen to you? I wasn't sick. I covered my mouth. Yet, the woman next to me started complaining. She wanted me moved. I was obese not a leper. 

I show photos of me large and small. I was on the top of Mt. Snowden and asked that the leader of my group take my photo. It was a raw crisp day on the top of the mountain and I wanted it documented that I was there. I was so happy that I bought the wrap around scarf down in the gift shop on the base where it was delightful, warm and sunny. 

This is my first time adding many photos and I was unaware that they would be ordered backwards. 

The top one is me relaxing on my deck. I love that it was sprinkling out but I am able to sit and read on my new lounge. 
The next photo is of me and two of my siblings. I am the oldest. My sister had already had weight loss surgery and is 4" shorter than me. My brother Bobby is lucky that he got the tall genes as he followed the two of us in birth order. 

After traveling to Europe for five week and just back for a few days in October 2010, i was off on another trip. I went to San Antonio Texas to meet some people in the YouTube community. Rosemary, Connie and I went to an indoor market the name of which escapes me now where I found this nice shirt and skirt outfit. 

My grandson is now almost twenty and a Marine. I was so happy that his mom had moved back from Texas.  They stayed with us for some time and I would get to hold him after work. I think, I might have left my jacket on because Letter Carrier uniform shirts get all gross from the ink and was too dirty. 

One year after going to Dominica with the youth of my church, our plane was diverted from landing in San Juan Puerto Rico. We were circling for hours then landed in St Croix. It was a beautiful island resort that we we put in overnight. I didn't get to see much of the island until the next day when, the ride to the airport was in daylight. 

My first trip to England, I debated whether to go on a trip just for pleasure. Yet, I was going to go with church members from my church and other people who my former pastor knew from his other appointments. This is a photo of me at not my largest size. I had a great time and enjoyed this trip so much that I signed up and went on many other trips with Don Rudalevige. I have plans to go again next fall, 2014! 

I could not imagine climbing into the front of this transport in 2002, when I first went to Dominica. This was taken 6/12. 

10/10 in San Antonio

6/12 Dominica waterfront in Marigot. 

Here's my Marine, Anthony, the last hour that he was home. Off to boot camp at Parris Island the next day July 9 we always had a special bond. Having him living minutes from us and getting unexpected visits when he came to eat, use our gym facility, eat, swim, eat...hug, eat. Did I mention he ate what I made. It was easy to get him over, I would post a photo of what was cooking and the phone would ring or his pals would bring him over. So sorry that Facebook was bombarded with meals back then! Not. 

I hope you enjoyed through the ages. 

#travel #weight #loss #surgery #weightlosscommunity #rny #gastric #bypass

Friday, August 9, 2013

Completely Real

Please note I am proud to have lost all this weight through RNY surgery.
I I had lost 193 pounds. It was a great accomplishment.

It was more than I wanted to confess to my friends. The friends who thought I was in the 200s when I was actually much higher in weight.

One young friend had the look of shock when he asked a question and I actually went further and told him how much I had lost. He is a tall well built man who probably weighs 250 or more. I can't imagine what went through his mind when I said I had lost almost as much as he weighed.

My PCP gave me a copy of what I weighed for my physical. I was 186 at the time. A dear friend, Marily, who is tall and thin said I was losing too much weight. Have I told you that she thought I was her weight? She is perhaps 5 9 and weighs 126. I was 60 pounds heavier than she was and she thought I was her weight.

Are people telling you that you have lost enough weight? The very same people who saw you wearing clothes that had multiple Xs or numbers now made to look smaller than they are. I think some stores that I do not need to frequent now have 1s and 2s which are certainly not true 2s.

So you will see if you watch the whole video the completely real me. I was far over 300 and my clothes did not have those pretty fake numbers. My clothes were tight my clothes were not quite in fashion and my clothes did not coordinate with anything much. I either wore something that came as a set or wore jeans.

Life is real. It is what you make of it. I chose to make my reality different. How about you?

Helpful Hints Go Along Way; Post Op Eating

I came across this wonderful video today. I needed to share this idea. I did the very same thing when I was pre op so that I would have the nutritious foods that I knew I needed. I made lovely soups. It was just a matter of getting some plastic ice cube trays at the dollar store blending my soup and freezing it. You just wait until it is frozen and pop them in a freezer storage bag.

My ice cube trays were more like 2 ounces so one was suffiient for me early on. I had so many mini containers of other foods in the fridge that would often grow hair!

Be aware that you eat very little. Those tiny containers may seem appealing but you will like something one day and not another day. It matters to me to have variety. Early out, I was sticking to easy things that I could cook and puree. I made my own applesauce so that it was not laden with sugar. All the commercial ones had more than what I was willing to eat in carbs.

I did not favor eating potatoes but cooking up a sweet potato and adding it to my soup was a benefit to my body. Yes, I know whole ancient populations survived on potatoes but in this century there are healthier alternatives to the mashed Idaho or Maine potato.

Leftovers are an issue with post ops. It may look like a great idea to take some food home with you. It has to be well contained to stay fresh. Those white plastic boxes are not what I mean, seal out air to keep in moisture. Leftover chicken can dry out in a container and you will either reject it in less bites than you need or hurl later. I have had that experience.

Speaking of chicken, many find that the fibers in the chicken are hard to digest. One example, is that I needed to eat after spending more time than I needed to get my new uniform pants. I had lost so much weight that the belt was around to the middle of my back and of course my pants were longer. I was tripping over them. The uniform store was three towns away but along a busy highway made even more difficult because the road resurfacing of an on ramp caused rerouting. Just imagine my chagrin as my husband steamed in over an hour of slow down. That was all said to let you know that two hours after leaving work, I was in need of food.

 We stopped at a Boston Market and I ordered roast chicken and green beans. How do they roast the chicken, I wonder? I just had hoped to get in the nutrition that I needed. Knowing that the green beans were not going to be eaten by me, I had already asked for a to go box. It was given to me with a bag. More about the bag later. Well, perhaps you can guess, I used it. I was following all the rules of chewing many bites and putting the fork down between bites. I was unable to eat more than three tiny bites and one green bean.

The highway was much clearer near 7:30 than it was three hours earlier. My husband was driving the speed limit when I asked him to slow down, he said I am not speeding. I felt each and every bump and curve in the road. We had good suspension but my RNY smaller stomach was not buying it. I again asked him to slow down as I was feeling quite sick. I did grab the bag in time!

Was it the chicken, the method that the chicken was cooked, did they add flavor enhancing fatty product to cook it? I was put off chicken for a few months after that incident. I know that chicken had to be moist. I had learned that at a group support meeting at the hospital.

I made my own chicken and wrapped it to keep it moist. Still, had an issue. Well chewed though it came back to haunt me. Seriously, I was off that bird for several more months. Wouldn't you be when it hurt to vomit after eating a meal. It hurt the next day. I had to rest my little RNY stomach with soft foods again for a few days. This is what I recommend if you vomit and it hurts. Rest your stomach, go back to the earlier stage.

One thing that I know now is that chances are I will not eat the leftovers that are as much as four more meals for me. Unless, I really feel that I may eat it, I leave it there. That being said, if I feel that my husband would eat it I do bring it home. He does not eat black bean soup. My friends encouraged me to bring my leftover soup home from Paneras. I opted to do it one time but did not manage to take it with me the next time. Bobby would not eat it.

Post op, I learned more of what did not suit me than what did. I learned that dense meats were not my friend. I may have said this before on the blog. I feel like I am going to be an old lady in a nursing home asking for ricotta cheese, 0% Greek yogurt plain and filet mignon.

How about you? What hints do you have for a new post op? How do you store your leftovers? Do you even eat leftovers?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What is it that causes us to feel low?

I often wonder why things happened the way they did in my family. I was the eldest of seven children. I should have had a great life with no worries.

Yet, my parents fought and I tried to hide behind the closed door and pretend that I did not hear them. I woke so many nights to the sound of their fights. About what you might ask. I do not remember. I have lost a lot of my early years by selectively forgetting. I do remember things that I was told did not happen. Yes, this is disturbing to be told that it did not happen when clearly I see it when the nightmares came on.

I wonder why I am someone who has insomnia. I write this blog at nearly two in the morning.

There was so much that happened that I was never able to tell school friends. Who wants to say that your parents are fighting when they gush about the new tv or getting to go shopping all day on a Saturday. We never went shopping on a Saturday.

My mom was raised by her mom very strictly. She remembers being hit with a broom handle. You would think that mom would have protected me and not let me get hurt. I do believe that she could have prevented what happened to me.

Do you forget your childhood or do you know that there are parts missing? One day, I was home from work and put on the tv. I rarely watched tv but I thought I had time to sit while the supper was cooking. No one was home and I suppose it was curiosity that had me put on Oprah. Friends talked about DVRs and taping her shows to watch later. It hit home that the woman who was interviewed went from a poor broken woman to one who succeeded despite the hardships that could have kept her down and hopeless. I learned that some believe that it is good to have the hardships in life because we are strengthened by them. Wait, hold on, I do not feel strengthened I feel like my power was taken away. I felt that my childhood was taken away.

I know that I felt a lack of empowerment and a fear of authority throughout my growing up years. I feared authority and I was a rebel. I fought for justice for me for women for minorities and still do.

It was not just the times as people like to say. I went to a school in Sudbury that prided itself on being progressive. We were able to choose our classes and not restricted to a certain level or track. I have always felt pride in my education. My teachers were eclectic and some were down right odd especially the teacher of Russian Studies. Times were tough but not as tough as some parents have it today. I came from a large family. My dad made good money and worked hard. My mom went to work as I grew into my teen years. We had food. Not the best or the most healthy but sufficient.

Before I go off to bed, I want to ask if you think that problems at home contributes to obesity. Are we trying to hide behind the fat? What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

People Seek Advice in Facebook and on Youtube; Here is One Response I made to a Query about a Last Meal

I know you are seeking advice. A lot of people may eat the way they were eating prior to surgery or going for a last meal as if it were Thanksgiving with all the fixings and eating two portions. My advice from one who had surgery five years ago and have witnessed through Youtube, Facebook, hospital support and personal friends is that we are doing this surgery for our health.

We have known all along how to lose weight. It is a matter now of getting our mind ready for the task at hand. If your surgery could work on your mind as well as your stomach and in my case intestines, it would solve a lot of problems.

Please note that I wish you well. It is not in jest that I answered your post. I truly want to see you succeed.
I wish you many blessings as you go forward. Peace in your decision.

I saw a photo of myself that I had asked a friend to take to document me as I was reading to preschoolers in Dominica. I was wearing a 4X National brand house dress because of the extreme heat my extreme size and the need to be comfortable in the humidity as well. I had to wear shorts under because my thighs rubbed together if I did not.

At the time, women were expected to wear dresses. We were there for 9 days. I saw the photo and immediately decided to stop eating so much. I saw that the woman in whom house that we stayed had cooked an extra chicken leg for me. I left it in the plate. I lost 12 pounds that trip. Lots of volcanic hilly roads were walked to get us around certainly helped as well as cutting down my portions.

I go back there now not overheated because I am wearing too many clothes or wearing those dresses that really are meant to be worn around the house. I lead teens that go on the work team up and down the hills to visit the elderly homebound who live in the most precarious of homes and along the hillsides.

Please take note; I would have still gone again and again. I am just more able. I went on a trip of five weeks with a friend to Europe. I was able to eat. I do not mourn food. I am healthy. In fact, it has been the most healthy period of my lifetime.

BTW, on an earlier trip with this woman, she suggested that I cross a bridge and find a bench to sit on while the rest in the walk went on and met me on the other side. Obese and unable to catch up to them, my friend was trying to do me a favor. In Florence and in Rome, she called out to me to slow down.

I have knee damage and no cartilage in my left knee. I will eventurally need knee replacement. Originally the surgeon predicted that I would need it in 2009. It was 2007 when he said it. Now, he does not discuss surgery.

Thank you for reading this message. I will be praying for you.

Next week, I go to the Obesity Action Coalition's conference in Phoenix. I will listen to many informed professionals as well as hear stories from peoplejust like you and me, pre and post ops.

She replied This was great. Thank you.

I had to private message her as the others were way over the top in response saying that they binged all along going for one than one last meal or getting in foods that they would never ever eat again. Dang, I thought, I do not want to get into a row with those people. Back off, regroup and do not answer in anger it worked. You can see that she appreciated the advice.

That being said, please do not take Internet advice as gospel. Really and truly, you have professionals who can help you. Sure you can seek advice from friends but know that most of us are not nurses, doctors or dietitians. I was a Letter Carrier, a home day care provider, a postal clerk, an inspector at a check printing plant, a Sunday School Superintendent and teacher, mother wife sibling, my advice is valid to a point. My advice to some inquiries is to get yourself to a professional. If it is pain, fever, swelling, red, pus etc do not spend moments in time questioning whoever might be awake at the hour you post.

Just saying, as I write this blog that I can see where social media helps but we are not the only advisors you need.

This being said, how do you respond when a question arises in your Facebook groups? If you see a video are you apt to give advise? What about the people who say that they cannot stomach their vitamins and do not take them?

I was advising this young woman against having a last meal binge. It is another when the long term health consequences are not evident to a young person. Drinking from a straw, drinking caffeine, alcohol, transfer addictions all warrant your input. But make sure you do it with aforethought that many of these people you will only know online. You may not know of their total family situation and what lead to the question.

Please comment below.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

HELP! Fire destroyed home and all belongings: Intriguingone (Jesica & R...

The family is one that I came to know first through weight loss surgery videos. I met both of them later in Las Vegas at a large gathering of weight loss surgery post ops.
I suggest that you connect to the weight loss surgery community through Youtube or Facebook as well as those that blog.

It has been a harrowing weekend for this family. There was nothing left. It costs $300 to get basic clothes and incidentals. You know that toothpaste and tooth brushes on your bathroom counter and your clothes in the closet? Gone.

Please consider donating what you can. Pay it forward. If you can this will greatly help the
 Porras Family
804 Bullock St
Coppell TX 75019

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Gifts of the Spirit

Today, I am writing something that has held me accountable for many years to my beliefs. I need people and seek them out in many ways. You may be one of the people that have embraced me and have encouraged me by you being you. 

I believe that the Spirit brings people together so that we might hold them tight. So that we may share their gifts. 

Over so many months, I have come to know one such person that has a wonderful bright future though circumstances seem dire and not bright. I pray for this person daily. Another person, has a greater outlook on life now after weight loss surgery has lifted her. To learn that suicide was part of their intent brings me to the body of this message.

God wants us to hold people tight and let them know of their worth to us. The Spirit moves us to do and say what needs to be done. Do not hold back. Do not feel that you are not making an impact. Move, write, call, text, whatever you need to do now! 

I love that the bus driver wanted to share his island with the teens and adults who were helping build the community building for his church in Wesley Dominica.  What did we want to see? Where could he bring us? We went to Freshwater Lake, a cloud forest for lunch, natural disaster site, sulphur springs, sunset and a black sand beach with fresh land crabs stalked and caught on the drive back to be eaten by some for breakfast. The Spirit was so alive in this man!

How do you feel the moving of the Spirit in your life? Who do you have uplifting you? Are you in despair? Seek help, you are worth it.

#Dominica #travel #Spirit #weight #RNY #gastric #bypass #culture #encourage #inspiration