Monday, November 4, 2013

Renewed Strength

As I ponder all that has been given me through this surgery, I am amazed at the vigor that I have. My surgery was January 3  2008, I was given a reconstructed stomach and a surgically place new beginning to my intestinal track. I had Roux en Y, or gastric bypass surgery to help me in the never ending struggle to lose weight. 

I have been successful and enjoy renewed strength and activities. Yesterday, I worked cleaning a backyard of leaves with our sole youth who was able to come to rake and our youth leader. It was a long and arduous task. It was a cold day and yet my heat energy from working very steadily kept me warm.  

I go for my eighth trip to Dominica on Saturday morning with two other women and five men to work on the community building and cement our relationship with the two faith communities in the two towns that we have worked with since Hurricane David shortly after their country gained Independence 35 years ago. 

To all who are contemplating surgery, I hope you have a renewed strength and vigor. I wish you many blessings as I have been blessed. 

What would you do now that you have not been able to do? Where would you put your energy? 

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